Welcome to The Bitchin' Post!

This section of Ask Millie and Mollie is for grown-ups only. It's your place to vent, to cry, to get things off your chest you can't say to friends or spouses or children - in short, to bitch!

You will write this page, sharing your stories and your wisdom with one another. To post a "bitch" just leave a note on any entry on the page; Millie or Mollie will see it and post it for you anonymously. (We reserve editorial options and will delete anything rude, hurtful or potentially illegal.) Comments are welcome and differences of opinion encouraged - as long as they are respectful.

The Bitchin' Post is not suitable for children and possibly not for work, so be aware of who's sharing your space while you're reading.

Welcome. We're glad you're here.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Random Rant


Sorry to suck you into my vortex, but a new drug was approved by the FDA for people with MS.  It's ampyera (spelling?).  My primary insurance carrier told me they would cover it, and my secondary carrier will pick up the co-pay.

This drug does not qualify for the usual benefit, it is a 'formulary' drug, so my co-pay will be approximately $60.00.  I'm cool with that if it works, I'll pay the co-pay and file a claim with my secondary insurance carrier.

This drug is supposed to help with walking, etc.  Since I garden avidly, and ALL my medical providers say "WALK MORE" I'm thinking I would do well to be on it.  But getting all the electronic paperwork seems to end up in a black hole.

I'm working with Caremark, the pharmacy that fills this particular drug for my primary carrier, Group Health.  It's been 4 weeks since I confirmed my coverage with Group Health and notified Caremark that it was ok to begin the process.  But nothing yet.

I wanna walk better.  In the universe of electronic confirmations, what's the prob???????

Bitch of the Day

Dear Little Brother:

You are a self-centered, condescending, know-nothing royal ass. I gave birth a week ago. You couldn't take two seconds out of your "busy" life to send me a congrats? Any sort of acknowledgement?? Yes, we all know your precious wife is well overdue to have your first child. I get it. She's been a royal bitch, too. I don't care how pregnant you are, you don't treat people that way, let alone your husband's family.

Little Brother, you are burning bridges that are not easily rebuilt. I don't know if SHE is putting it into your head to behave this way, or if you've come to be such a douche on your own. Either way, you're going to reap what you sow.

I love you, in spite of your ignorant, Assbutt self.

Big Sister

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

They say there are two constants in life, death and taxes.  May I add a third?


Well, gone for 4 days, and unpacking was crappy.  Although there are no towels or sheets, the underwear pile is screaming at me.  Once again, why do we have to wear clothes?????