Welcome to The Bitchin' Post!

This section of Ask Millie and Mollie is for grown-ups only. It's your place to vent, to cry, to get things off your chest you can't say to friends or spouses or children - in short, to bitch!

You will write this page, sharing your stories and your wisdom with one another. To post a "bitch" just leave a note on any entry on the page; Millie or Mollie will see it and post it for you anonymously. (We reserve editorial options and will delete anything rude, hurtful or potentially illegal.) Comments are welcome and differences of opinion encouraged - as long as they are respectful.

The Bitchin' Post is not suitable for children and possibly not for work, so be aware of who's sharing your space while you're reading.

Welcome. We're glad you're here.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Catching Some Z's - and Throwing 'em Back

Anonymous wrote:

I love my husband with every fiber of my being. Seriously, I do. But I really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, REALLY hate listening to him snore. I don't know if it's the noise itself, or that I'm jealous that he's relaxed and asleep and I'm not, or that the movie we're watching is now punctuated by low honks. It's like sitting next to an unusually incessant flock of geese!!

Phew. That was liberating. :3