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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

CVS-Caremark Rant

Just spent another 1.5 hours on the phone with CVS Caremark, my neurologist's office, Group health, etc. trying to get my Rx for Amperya filled.  Add that to the approximately 10 hours I've already spent doing this same thing and you'll know why I'm pulling my hair out.

Today, Caremark told me that they needed the following to fill my prescription

1: The pharmacy PCN
2: The Rx group #
3: The PBM
4: The Rx bin number

How in Holy Heck would I know this information.  Supposedly, Caremark has contracted with Group Health to fill these prescriptions, so they must have some sort of ability to communicate with each other directly without involving the patient.

Obama Health Care won't be here soon enough.  We have such idiots running places like CVS-Caremark!

1 comment:

  1. Goodness, the horrors I could relate to you about Lance's British uncle and their socialized health "care" system. I fear we're screwed either way.


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