Welcome to The Bitchin' Post!

This section of Ask Millie and Mollie is for grown-ups only. It's your place to vent, to cry, to get things off your chest you can't say to friends or spouses or children - in short, to bitch!

You will write this page, sharing your stories and your wisdom with one another. To post a "bitch" just leave a note on any entry on the page; Millie or Mollie will see it and post it for you anonymously. (We reserve editorial options and will delete anything rude, hurtful or potentially illegal.) Comments are welcome and differences of opinion encouraged - as long as they are respectful.

The Bitchin' Post is not suitable for children and possibly not for work, so be aware of who's sharing your space while you're reading.

Welcome. We're glad you're here.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Random Rant

Why do I go all limp and lazy when it's hot?????  I know part of it is MS, and have hung up my weeding tools for a while, but jeez, even with the AC on and all the iced tea in the world, I can't make myself clean the fridge.  HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM


  1. Could you make yourself give Johnny Depp a hot-fudge massage? Because I think the problem's not heat - it's lack of motivation.

  2. Cleaning out the fridge is SO overrated.


  3. Brianna - yes it is. It's kinda like getting dressed first thing in the morning . . . I'd rather wait and see how things work out before I commit to action.

    Millie - No, Johnny Depp doesn't ring my chimes - but Tom Selleck? Guess I'm showing my age!

  4. I volunteer to lick the hot fudge off.


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