Welcome to The Bitchin' Post!

This section of Ask Millie and Mollie is for grown-ups only. It's your place to vent, to cry, to get things off your chest you can't say to friends or spouses or children - in short, to bitch!

You will write this page, sharing your stories and your wisdom with one another. To post a "bitch" just leave a note on any entry on the page; Millie or Mollie will see it and post it for you anonymously. (We reserve editorial options and will delete anything rude, hurtful or potentially illegal.) Comments are welcome and differences of opinion encouraged - as long as they are respectful.

The Bitchin' Post is not suitable for children and possibly not for work, so be aware of who's sharing your space while you're reading.

Welcome. We're glad you're here.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

I triple double dare Millie!!!!!!!

Ok, I just don't do pie crust.  But there, in the blog, was a recipe for pumpkin pie that sounds WONDERFUL.

So I dare you, share your recipe for pie crust.  You make a good one, sister, and mine usually taste like pffsst.


  1. Hah! You got it!

    As long as we're daring, I would love to see you share the story of "Babette's Feast" - Joy and I will be watching that this year as we prepare The Bird.

  2. LOL! I'm going to give this recipe a try. It's got to be better than what I've been doing.

    Meanwhile, I also use the prepared crusts for things like quiche. AND, yes, real men do eat quiche-especially if fit has bacon in it!

  3. Well, hormones have me raging today. From watching the brutality of nature on planet earth on one tv, to watching what seems to be non-stop images of starving, emaciated children on the other tv, and then my children who are handed EVERYTHING don't have one ounce of gumption, motivation or personal responsibility, I'm pretty much pissed off at the universe today. And, plus--I have cramps. GRR.

  4. Oh sweetie!

    This, too, will pass. Nature will always be brutal, but once your kids are grown, you can "adopt" kids in 3rd world countries (I adopted two with Compassion International). This does a heart good.

    And kids have this nasty tendency to grow up. The kid who now wants to know why his best friend got a super-duper for Christmas and he didn't will grow up to serve his country, buy a house, hold down a job and pay taxes.

    And cramps! I LOVE menopause, despite the hot flashes, weight gain and other side effects.

    Things do get better, we even learn how to deal with mother nature. Go figure!


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